Women's Modern Dance Long Tops, Crop Tops and T-Shirts

Women's tops for modern jazz dance shipped free of charge by parcel relay from 70 € of purchase (France). Shipment worldwide

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Women's Bamboo Yoga T-Shirt - Temps Danse

Price €55.00

This superb women's bamboo t-shirt will give you plenty of satisfaction when practicing yoga, dance and pilates. We love its V-neckline with gathers, which is particularly recommended for women with large breasts. The slightly flared cut with rounded back will minimize your bust volume while refining your silhouette. Available in cream or fuchsia pink, this women's sports top matches many yoga and pilates leggings.

How to wear a dance top?

There are several options for the dancer, whether she practices ballet, contemporary dance or modern jazz dance.

  • You're more of a dance t-shirt person!

    With a loose fitting dance shirt you can easily wear women's dance leggings and jazz pants for a complete women's jazz dance outfit. It also complements a woman's ballet leotard if you don't want to show off your natural curves.
    With short sleeves or long sleeves as a warm-up garment to wear over your tank top, you can also choose a fitted dance shirt. This is the right choice to hide your arms, if you find them too big, too thin or simply if you don't like to show them...
    With a crop top, you will give a modern and trendy look to your modern-jazz woman outfit
    You can also play with transparency by choosing a fishnet dance shirt that will reveal a pretty dance bra
  • You're more of a dance tunic!

    Ideal for the woman who wants to hide the buttocks and hips, these tunics are similar to a long dance tank top. Generally, the tunic dress is worn with women's jazz pants or dance leggings

Rather plain, but also sometimes printed with a message reminding the dance, the dance top is a good alternative for the woman who does not want to wear a leotard, but it is also an ally to hide the forms by wearing it over it!