What is Urban Dance?
It is in the United States and more particularly in New York but also in Jamaica that the urban dances were born in the 70s. It is about all the dances of the hip hop movement with the breack dance, the krump, the poping, the funk, the ragga dance hall...
Each style of street dance has its own style of music. The dance and the music form a whole which translate societal phenomena
B-Girls or B-Boys, a style apart!
The freedom of hip hop dancers lies in the way they dress: from the slim jeans, not necessarily adapted to the steps in terms of flexibility and moisture absorption, to the dance leggings for b-girls, to the old school hip hop baggy or sports jogging for b-boys, it's time to assert your personality! UFO's shorts and baggy pants are mixed to allow a complete crew to have a visual uniformity on stage. UFO Jeans New York is the birthplace of hip hop. These urban dance outfits are available for adults and children from 6 years old to 12 years old with the US hip hop pants. For the b-girls' battle, the t-shirts and crop tops are perfect to stand out! For hip hop dance, sneakers are always worn to add style to the clothes.
What about Street Jazz?
Jazz Funk, also known as Street Jazz, borrows many moves from other dance styles. From ballet to modern to hip-hop to lyrical, jazz funk incorporates little bits of other dance genres and wraps them up in a funky style that is both fun and expressive! To dress up, give free rein to your desires: you can pick from the jazz dance outfits. For street jazz dance, practices can take place in socks, barefoot with footwear or sneakers, sometimes with two soles or full soles.