Women's Long Sleeve Sport Tee Shirt for Fitness and Gym

I ship for free your long sleeves sport t-shirt or your woman sweatshirt by parcel relay from 70 € of purchase in France, 100 € in Europe. Delivery worldwide.

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3/4 Sleeve Yoga and Dance T-Shirt - DEHA

Price €55.00

This women's 3/4-sleeve T-shirt is particularly comfortable to wear. Lightweight and supple, you'll appreciate the softness of lyocell, an eco-responsible fabric particularly favored by DEHA. Wear alone or over a tank top in cooler weather, this t-shirt is ideal for yoga or pilates. Various colors are available to match the brand's jogging pants or leggings. Also available in short sleeves

How to wear a long-sleeved sports shirt or a sports sweatshirt for women?

In general, choose it rather

- close to the body with loose pants, like sarouel
- wide with a woman's fitness leggings
- the long-sleeved crop top, a short version, can be worn with both types of sportswear
- the long cut of a woman's long-sleeved sport sweater is best worn with leggings or body-hugging bottoms

  • For an outdoor activity

Keep up with your favorite sports activity no matter what the weather outside! The women's long sleeve sports shirt can protect you from the cold during your fitness and crossfit sessions outdoors, while hiking, climbing, running or skiing... With our models of long-sleeved t-shirts with fleece interior, you can wear it as an under layer under your women's sports jacket or alone, like a second skin, over your sports bra for intense sports.

The sport sweatshirt with or without hood can be worn with women's sport pants, women's baggy jogging suit like women's sportswear. It will give you a relaxed and young look

  • For an indoor activity in a cool room or the chilly

To warm up in the gym or to avoid catching a cold between two indoor sports classes, the light long-sleeved women's sports t-shirt in organic cotton or viscose will complete your women's sports outfit. You can easily layer it over a women's fitness tank top before starting your session and take it off as soon as your body temperature has risen