Women's Modern Dance Long Tops, Crop Tops and T-Shirts

Women's tops for modern jazz dance shipped free of charge by parcel relay from 70 € of purchase (France). Shipment worldwide

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  • Brand: Bloch

Woman's On-Bras T-shirt - Bloch

Price €39.00

Ideal for the woman who wants to show off her sports bra, this short-sleeved tee offers lightweight coverage. In fact, the viscose fabric provides softness, ventilation and unprecedented comfort during your dance classes or fitness sessions. Featuring a boat neckline at the front, this white or black over-bras tee has a large, moisture-wicking V-neckline at the back. It can be combined with all our bras or worn over an unitard

Indiana Women's Dance Leotard with 3/4 sleeves - Bloch

Price €67.00

Superb black leotard very contemporary with its zip closure on the front. The 3/4 sleeves in stretch veil seem to hang from the arms of the dancer. The shoulders are released. The lower back is uncovered while the top is protected by a stretch veil. Ideal for contemporary dance, this woman's bodysuit has a camouflage print giving it a very modern look and a little bit of fun! A dance leotard to wear alone or with dance leggings

Women's 3/4 sleeves leotard

Price €45.00

We love the timeless L6106 dance leotard body! This women's dancewear is available exclusively in black and is perfectly adapted to ballet as well as to contemporary dance or jazz! The 3/4 sleeves are original with its veil cut in the form of diamonds. High performance DRITEX technology for the most intense movements

How to wear a dance top?

There are several options for the dancer, whether she practices ballet, contemporary dance or modern jazz dance.

  • You're more of a dance t-shirt person!

    With a loose fitting dance shirt you can easily wear women's dance leggings and jazz pants for a complete women's jazz dance outfit. It also complements a woman's ballet leotard if you don't want to show off your natural curves.
    With short sleeves or long sleeves as a warm-up garment to wear over your tank top, you can also choose a fitted dance shirt. This is the right choice to hide your arms, if you find them too big, too thin or simply if you don't like to show them...
    With a crop top, you will give a modern and trendy look to your modern-jazz woman outfit
    You can also play with transparency by choosing a fishnet dance shirt that will reveal a pretty dance bra
  • You're more of a dance tunic!

    Ideal for the woman who wants to hide the buttocks and hips, these tunics are similar to a long dance tank top. Generally, the tunic dress is worn with women's jazz pants or dance leggings

Rather plain, but also sometimes printed with a message reminding the dance, the dance top is a good alternative for the woman who does not want to wear a leotard, but it is also an ally to hide the forms by wearing it over it!